Radio Orphans Podcast 195

Welcome to Episode 195 of the Radio Orphans Podcast. This episode contains the following independent music for your listening pleasure:
"Street Sweeper" by Repeat Offenders.
Classic hip-hip out of Pennsylvania, USA.
"She Don't" from Porter Block.
Strong indie rock from New York, USA.
"Always Waiting" by Kamaloca.
Fine alternative post-rock out of the U.K.
"Killer In The Road" from Marie Tueje.
Sweet sounding alternative folk-rock out of Spain.
"Late or Early" from Phays.
Tight experimental dub-step from Georgia, USA.
"Atlacamani" by Sevish.
Excellent experimental electronic rock from the UK.
"Ides of March" from Radio Orphans.
An electro-experimental transmission from your hosts the Radio Orphans out of Minneapolis, MN USA.
We thank you for listening!
Our weekly music podcast is dedicated to bringing you independent music from around the world. Hosted by Radio Orphans Jaw Knee and Finneaus. We bring you uninterrupted indie music with a short podcast intro and outro.
One can subscribe to this podcast via iTunes directory.
Labels: Kamaloca, Marie Tueje, Phays, Porter Block, Radio Orphans, Repeat Offenders, Sevish
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