Friday, July 25, 2008

Radio Orphans Podcast 161

Greetings, episode 161 of the Radio Orphans Podcast contains the following independent music for your listening pleasure:

"Keep Me Dry" by Navel.
From Switzerland, Like a good cup of coffee, strong indie rock.

"If The Sun Could Speak" from Civilian
Direct from Horsham, England. Guitar driven indie rock, like a rollicking stroll through the english countryside.

"Born Knowing" by Radio Orphans.
Your Humble hosts from Minneapolis, USA. Experimental rock off our CD Monkeys Dance.

"Violent and Beautiful" by The Union Trade.
From San Francisco,USA. From their new album entitled "Everyday Including". Nice production, shades of psychadelic rock dancing around a solid center.

"Strong Girl" from Kelly's Lot.
Out of Los Angeles, CA. Female fronted blues rock, flirting with punk. Neat changes in a tight arrangement.

"L is For Loser" by Greta Gaines.
From New York, New York USA. Smart and funny lyrics mixed with country rock from her new album "Whiskey Thoughts"

"Grow" from Jamie Leonhart.
From New York, New York USA. Smooth powerful voice, tight musical arrangements flowing on a river of sound.

We thank you for listening!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Radio Orphans Podcast 160

Welcome, episode 160 of the Radio Orphans Podcast contains the following independent music for your listening pleasure:
"Cosmic Protector" by The Separates.
From Germany. Featuring a sweet sample tripping fast into early shades of Punk.
"What Devils Do" by Rockford Mules.
From Minneapolis, USA, with a tune from their new CD! Tightly crafted Rock and Roll with dual guitars backed-up with strong bass and drums.
"Bad Touch" from Sound and Fury.
Our neighbors to the North, from Toronto, Canada. Straight-ahead Indie Punk.
"Went To India" from Hot Seconds.
From Brooklyn, NY. Sitar, a rolling synth, stomping bass, smart/funny lyrics make a fine tune.
"Died Clueless" a remix of the Radio Orphans song "Born Knowing" from the artist Refrag
From Minneapolis to New Zealand with this wicked electro experimental remix from Refrag.
"Indestructible" from Lato.
Out of London, UK, Cool dual harmonies, quality English Pop with tight arrangement.
"Time Travel" by The Ampersands.
From New Jersey, USA, Indie Rock tune with strong vocals,cool lyrics.

We thank you for listening!

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Radio Orphans Podcast 159

Hello, episode 159 of the Radio Orphans Podcast contains the following independent music for your listening pleasure:
"Insane" by Plunkett.
"Above The City" from Ratcliff Bailey.
"One More Song" from Parachute Musical.
"April" by Benji Cossa.
"Always" from Peter Bradley Adams.
"If You Make A Bet In Heaven" from Radio Orphans.
"Holding Me" by North American Royalty.

We thank you for listening!

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Radio Orphans Podcast 158

Greetings, episode 158 of the Radio Orphans Podcast contains the following independent music for your listening pleasure:
"FU Robot" by Pro Audio.
"Gene Pool Party" from Rubber Clown Car.
"Girl, Ya Know Its True" from The Crushers.
"No Regrets" by System Scare.
"Run Enemy" from Shearer.
"Stuck in Moline" by R. Mutt.
"Long and Whiney Road" from Radio Orphans.

We thank you for listening!

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